I want to start blogging again

This was the longest gap I’ve had in posts since starting my blog back in September 2022. During that time I’ve done and thought a lot of things worth talking about, but for various reasons, I felt like I shouldn’t prioritize the blog for a while.

I’ve been less involved in Ctrl-C in general this year, too. But I still look back fondly on what I’ve done here, and the people I’ve met, and I miss being more active, chatting and corresponding.

I don’t like the idea of gomepage going generally dormant at this point. I still have ideas for things to add, and I really do enjoy taking pride in crafting my little corner of the tildeverse.

What’s more, I miss blogging. I miss having to sit down every day and get at least something out into the world. Not every post I made was a winner, but I routinely wrote posts I am still proud of today.

I don’t have a similar outlet for writing anymore. I tried for a while to start a music blog with my real name on it, but I felt a lot more pressure to make it into something. With the low-stakes atmosphere of posting on gomepage, I feel free to explore topics and ideas I couldn’t with a more focused blog.

Horrifically dated meme that popped into my head while writing this. This will not be a regular occurrence

The plan for now: Songbook

I added this section to my site a good while ago called “songbook”. My idea was to encourage myself to write more about the songs I love. It sat mostly half-finished for a year. This year, I wanted to complete it as part of the 2024 webpage jam.

But thus far, I haven’t followed through on my plan. So my first order of business in revitalizing gomepage is starting work on that. After that, I have an idea for a photo gallery, although I might put that on hold for a bit to re-establish a regular posting schedule.

Have you ever restarted a blog or some other project after a long hiatus? What were the challenges with getting going again? Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: gome ​@ ​ctrl-c.club.